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Click here for IDontLikeTheCircus!' discography

CC&D, Scars Publications: My poem, Satan, Child, and a Priest, has been chosen for their November 2024 anthology.

Listening to Borders by Celeste Cantor-Stephens: I contributed to this multimedia project with 1 poem, called Safe, intermingled to a musical composition of mine.
Dreich - Season 8 (no.85): I contributed to this issue with 3 poems: People who hate trees, Is my world also yours now?, The Place.
Natalie Bookchin - Ghost Games.
I contributed a video to this multi-channel sound and video installation that is installed in an abandoned apartment.
Imspired: 2 Poems for their Issue 25.
Anthology Fevers of the Mind 8: Inspire Me. I participated with a Haiku in tribute to Joy Division.
Welcome to Britain: An Anthology of Poems and Short Fiction
I participate with my poem, A flag dilemma.
FINALIST AWARD in the 6th ANIMAL art competition
Yours Sincerely: The Climate Letters
I participated in the third and final collective project of Linda France's Writing the Climate residency. Here is the project. I participate with my poem, Your (Un)D(e)ad, on page 10.
Media Virality and the Lockdown Aesthetic: Like a Cloud

The term “quarantine” comes from the Italian word, “quarantina”, which means “forty days”. I found it sadly amusing that the UK government wants travellers and people with coronavirus symptoms to do a 14 day quarantine instead of 40 days. [..}While I was blue, laying down on my bed, I looked up, through my window. I live in an attic, so some of my windows are in the ceiling. I saw another kind of blue: the sky...


The Gentle Law PodCast - Every week, I discuss an original Buddhist sutra.
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​Cercano Volontari - a novel about my grandfather life during the Italian colonization of Ethiopia



Copertina Cercano  Volontari PREABIANCA
Italian Lessons - Italian grammar in music to help my students understand this language better.
Eat, Listen, Love Italian - an interactive guide to learn Italian grammar through examples and videos
YogAttitudini - These cards are for those who already know that yoga is not simply physical exercises.
ABC Italian: survival kit -  it is a compendium, useful for clarifying your doubts about the Italian language.
Animalismo. Uno stile educativo consapevole (Montecovello) - essay about animal rights and vegetarianism. P.S. the husky in the frontcover is Iron, my dog who died in 2012.
Bimbi Vegan (Terra Nuova Edizioni) - I am proud of having translated Sandra Hood's book. It is a practical guide to getting your baby started on vegan food.
Ieri mi hai salvato la vita; Il complemento di Risultato (Ahimsa Edizioni)
These two short novels were my first attempts to write something different from songs and poems. 100 copies were published of each and then they ended up on this website, a Bailador webzine partner.
EP and Polluted  are two short movies shot to pay tribute to pigeons and cycle lanes in Milan. I sent them to Lars Von Trier, who gave me the Dogme 95 certificate. It is somewhere in the library catalogue at the Sociology Department of the University of Copenhagen.
Nietzsche ti chiamava cancro  is a video shot for NonMiPiaceIlCirco!'s 3rd album in Florence. I used a very old camera. When you have a good idea, nothing fancy is necessary.
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Majakovskij Blues is a video shot for GO.R Project, an introspective album by Rosso Fluido's lead singer. Because the lyrics are by the Soviet Poet and I used to live in Moscow, by coincidence I shot it around Majakovskaja metro station which contains a beautiful murals dedicated to him.
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Pionere dello sport - Roberto Gollo (Rosso Fluido) made the video graphics and I composed some music for a celebration of sport players at Accademia di Brera, Milan.
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Here are 2 compilations, Go Flaneur Go and Veri Streing, for my former label which gathered some of the artists I produced and recorded during those years when the internet just arrived in Italy.
Under my former label, I had the honour to mix and record this Rosso Fluido album (and played the piano) and be part of the composition and recording for Lexus's first album.
Uncle Mad's Farm - a children song. Me and some friends of mine created this song just for fun and understanding how it would be to compose something for younger listeners.
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Empathetic Walking Panel - In 2018, my feature in  the Live Installation by Kim Engelen, in Hangzhou, China.
Italian Alphabet and Sc - This is an educational song I composed for Alma Edizioni, one of the main publisher of textbooks in Italian.

Qua 'ndo lu cautu se mori by Psss Psss Pssss: I play the Roland TD-27KV2 V-Drums in this extended music project.


Faust Shop: my digital painting, I am your worm ignorant, at this shop.


Zoetry Juice by Thrift Books: My poem, Christmas is Coming, has been chosen as one of their main poems.


Redrosethorns magazine 03: rebellion/conformity: My artwork has been chosen for this issue. (Pag.16)


Buddismi Incompleti: The first volume of a novel was released on November 24 by Il Seme Bianco.

The Wise Owl (India), Nov 2024 Issue: My poem, He Was My Grandfather, published  in The Daily Verse section and Plato's Caves.


Egophobia (Romania), Dec 2024 Issue 83: my  poem, The Dilemma of the Artist's Dress, has been published in this academic magazine.

The Wise Owl (India), March 2025 Issue: My poem, A Bike Chain

© 2023 by Dr Matteo Preabianca









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