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I started doing yoga for a futile reason. I didn't like doing any sports, especially group sports. By the time I was 25, I realized that I had to "move my body," otherwise I would soon go bald and get a belly. So, experimenting with various disciplines, I came to yoga.
At first I didn't know it was much more than just positions, but there was a whole world beyond that to discover. So I started reading a lot about it and meditating. In short, I came to embrace this philosophy as a way of life. My way of teaching yoga may seem "arrogant" but what I teach is true traditional yoga, as taught in the classical manuscripts of the past: Yoga Sutra's Pantajali, Gheranda Samihita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Hatharatnavali. These are the only texts that contain the real yogic practice. Most of the yoga classes that you find around, especially in the Western world, are only partially yoga, as they introduce more modern elements, mixing them with other disciplines. And above all, alas, they forget about theory, breathing techniques and meditation. To get the full benefit, you can't just do asanas.
I took a lot of classes at One Heart Studio in Melbourne. Anahata is the best teacher I ever had. After studying those books and getting a certificate in the UK as a Yoga teacher, I started to deepen my immersion in Oriental philosophy and, of course, I came across Buddhism. I don't define myself as a Buddhist, because it is not a religion and not even Sidddharta Gautama, the first so-called "Buddha", was a Buddhist.
I enjoy making paralells and comparisons between Yoga and Buddhism. There are fundamental differences too and, often, one theory contradicts the other. But after many hours of meditation in several location and with different guides and monks, by coincidence, I came across some books by Thanissaro, Bikkhu Bodhi and Stephen Batchelor about original Buddhist sutras. I read them enthusiastically and now I have a better and clear understanding to advise others.
In addition to this, I completed a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course by Palouse Meditation Center.
After several classes and years, even with others teachers and practioners, I set up my own sangha group called TheGentleLaw and its Podcast.
What I am teaching now is yogasana and pranayama for the body, Buddhist meditation for the mind, Patanjali and Gautama sutras for the spirit.
I like yoga because it gives more meaning to my life, improving and listening to the experience of my body and mind. I am a big fan of tradition and history, so I did research into the most ancient yoga traditional texts, trying to discover what real yoga was, mostly using the traditional poses found in these ancient yoga texts. I became obsessed in finding out the legendary 84 traditional poses and I found 63 of them (please contact me if you want them), not too bad! Yes, there are "only" 84, not thousands as you thought.
I teach at some yoga studios all over Europe and I teach group and private classes. If you are interested in trying some yoga and/or Buddhism classes with me, feel free to contact me. It will be a pleasure to help you to start to dive in these precious philosophies. My classes (online & offline) cover all these aspects, you can also pick up some of them, either if you just want to try or you know some aspects already:
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Concentration & Meditation
- Traditional Books Reading&Comments
- Didjeridoo focused relaxation (I studied this Aboriginal instrument in Australia, so I integrated it in some parts of my classes)
- Meditation
- Original Theory of Sutras
Complementary: Sanskrit for beginners

In addition to this, I also hold a Diploma in Counselling Skills at West College, Scotland.

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